Lesson Plan 6 - Weather Research



Students will be able to:

*Research the importance of weather

*Tell the importance about knowing and understanding weather and weather conditions 

*Tell the differences and similarities between the two types of weather patterns. (compare and contrast)

 *Create a pamphlet on a imaginary weather condition or alert



Print Shop


Venn Diagram


1.  Have the students research the weather condition for the city that they have chosen and they may go online to the weather channel .com for more information. (Print it out)

2.  Discuss the weather and its importance and it uses.

3.  Demonstrate a Venn Diagram (compare and contrast) to the class and students can go on line to Venn Diagram to look at the graphic organizer that will help the students see more clearly the similarities and the differences between the normal weather and a natural disaster such as ex: hurricane.

4.  Students will plan imaginary trip to city of their choice , they most research the weather for the city and what are some activities they can do according to the weather.  Make sure to include:  weather updates,  clothing to bring and what they will see and do

5.  Students can use various search engines to collect information about the rainforest such as:  Google, Yahooligans, Fact monster and Askjeeves

6.  Students can use Print Shop to create a pamphlet.    


Students' completed Venn Diagram.

Students' completed pamphlet.

Vocabulary Test

Comprehension Quiz

Home Learning:

Read a newspaper or internet article about travel. Share the who, what, why, where, and when with the class.


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