Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs-Comprehension-

Name _______________________________
Date _____________________

1. Why did the townspeople glue together pieces of stale bread sandwich style ?

2. What happened when they finally reached land?

3. Once the children began school, what did the adults do?

4. What was the biggest change they had to get use to?

5. What does odd mean?

6. What did they find "odd" in their new town?

 7. What came down from the sky now, that was different from before?

8. Which town do you think the townspeople like living in best?

9- 14.   Fill in the blanks, by going back to the story and finding the missing words.

Nothing came down from the sky except _____and _____.  The

 ____above their ___ were not made of ___________. No one ever got 

hit by a __________ again.