What's Cooking?


Students will: 

  • selects appropriate instrument for measurement to achieve precision in real-world situation.
  • Uses organizational patterns for expository writing
  •  Uses a variety of references to gather information.


1.  Give students What's Cooking? Handout.

2.  Students share answers and discuss how there are differences in the foods everyone eats.

2.  Ask students what their family eats during Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Discuss the differences.

3. Discuss how the Pilgrims ate the food that was available and how the Indians made an impact on what the Pilgrims ate.  Discuss that people eat what is available in their country.

4.  Tell students that they will be sharing a family recipe or a recipe from their country heritage.

5.  Show the students what a recipe looks like.

6. Discuss the importance of following a recipe in chronological order. (If you skip a step it might not come out like planned)

7. Show and discuss different utensils used for cooking and measuring. 

8. Handout kitchen safety sheet. Discuss different dangers in the kitchen such as; sharp knives, hot stove or oven, washing hands so you don't contaminate the food and utensils use. 

9.  Give students recipe website sheet.  They visit  a site and choose a recipe .

10.  They will create a recipe card, decorate it according to their country and write the recipe of their choice on the card to add to their presentation board.

11.  Students will prepare the dish for Family Heritage Day.


  • Measuring cup
  • Measuring spoons
  • Utensils such as: spatula, knife, spoon, strainer, skillet, etc.
  • Printed handouts
  • Bookmark sites



  • utensils
  • ingredients
  • spatula
  • skillet
  • liter
  • gram


  • Completed recipe
  • Safety in the Kitchen
  • Measuring tools


Remind students that all work will be displayed at the Family Heritage Day.


  • Students will conduct a kitchen scavenger hunt at home to check out different equipment.
  • They will Make a list of what they have, illustrate each one and write a sentence on what it is used for.


  • Student will review sheet on safety in the kitchen.
  • Students will write to explain the importance of safety in the kitchen.

Fieldtrips and Other Activities

Talk to the cafeteria personnel of the school and let them give the students a tour of the school kitchen and show them different equipment used.  Also, talk to them about safety in the kitchen.