Kitchen Safety

Kitchen accidents are very common at home and can result in severe injury.  If you follow the following tips it will help you to stay safe in the kitchen.  If your are a child you should never cook alone, cook under the supervision of an adult.



1.  Wash hands thoroughly before you handle food.

2.  Never plug any electrical appliances with wet hands.

3.  Be careful when using sharp knives.  Cut away from your fingers, and other people.

4.  Wash all utensils immediately after use and don't leave them outside, especially sharp knives.

5.  Range burners should not be left on when not in use.

6.  Do not leave flammable materials around the burners when on.

7.  When cooking over the burner, do not wear loose clothing like hanging sleeves.

8.  Use pot holders when handling hot items.

9. Lift hot lids away from you, not  towards your face and use a pot glove.


By following these tips your cooking experience will be safe and fun.