When Dinosaurs Ruled The World






  • Explain what is paleontology.

  • Discover how a paleontologist digs up fossils.

  • Discover what tools a paleontologist uses.

Key Words: fossils, paleontology, paleontologist

 TimeLine: 1 ˝ - 2 class periods

 Materials: toothpicks, paper plates or napkins, chocolate chip cookies (Pepperidge Farm® Chocolate Chunk Cookies)


  1. Explain to the class that when dinosaur fossils are discovered many people are involved in the extraction and reassembling process to make a complete skeleton of the dinosaur. One of the most important persons is a scientist called a paleontologist. 
  2. Write the word “paleontologist” on the board, and explain that a paleontologist is someone to studies the fossils of prehistoric animals and plants.
  3. Explain to the class that fossils can be any trace of a formerly living thing preserved in rock.
  4. Discuss with the class some reasons why people might want to study prehistoric fossils?
  5. Discuss with the class some of the skills they think a paleontologist needs in order to study prehistoric fossils.
  6. Discuss some of the obstacles and difficulties paleontologist encounter in extracting dinosaur fossils. What kinds of tools are needed?
  7. View a video on Dinosaur Hunters and have student note the process of extracting fossils.
  8. At the conclusion of the video, inform the class that they are now going to experience first-hand the tedious task of removing perfect fossils from stones.
  9. Give each student a toothpick, paper plate or napkin, and a cookie. Remind them not to eat the cookie.
  10. Hold up one of the cookies to the class.  Tell them they are going to pretend that the cookie is a rock containing several fossils (chocolate chips). 
  11. Tell the class that their task is to use the toothpick to separate chocolate chips from a cookie without breaking the cookie.
  12. Have the students write a journal response as they accomplish their extraction task.
  13. Discuss with the class their experiences.
  14. Have the students visit the suggested sites to learn more about  paleontologist and their tools.

Assessment: Journal Response

 Extension Activity:

 Sandbox excavation: Bury several dinosaur Lego sets in zip-lock bags in the school’s playground.  Divide the class into 3-4 teams.  Give each team a section of the playground to excavate.  Have each team locate, assemble, and identify the dinosaur they discovered.

Dinosaur Hunters: Have the students write a biography or create a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint / HyperStudio) on a famous paleontologists in history.

 Suggested Web Links:

Ask a Dinosaur Expert
Meet paleontologist and marine archeologist Sue Hendrickson and read a transcript of her interview by students.
Top Paleontologist
Biographies of various famous paleontologists 

Dinosaur Eggs
Experience fossil hunting with National Geographic

Dinosaur Hunters
Interactive site by the Jurassic Institute on Paleontology