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Dialectical Hyper-Notes on Literacy by Design: Why Is All This Technology so Important? by Jeff Wilhelm

(Also read Stoll.)
Quoting Paraphrasing Responding
"When there is a [division] between upper and lower classes of our information society then computer literacy will be the distinguishing talent." Rich and poor people are greatly separated, and because we are in an information society, computer literacy is the talent that will allow the gap to close for those trying to rise and for those trying to remain well-off. Computer literacy isn't the talent needed for some professions such as dance, acting art, but there are very few areas where computer literacy will not advance people.  My husband is not very computer literate but he can function fairly well.  Of course, he is close to retirement.  Would he be able to function  if just starting out?  Are there more important things to function like the ability to read, write and think?  I know that later Wilhelm's point is that literacy is changing- the definition of a literate person and some computer knowledge is necessary for this new literacy. 

"This technology has the potential to make the teacher more a coach then a lecturer, and more an older, more experienced partner in a collaboration than an authenticated leader." A teacher utilizing technology with classes becomes less a talker and more a knowledgeable partner or collaborator or guide. This has been the goal for a while now for teachers, and I always believed that students  enjoyed and did better when they were feeling some control.  This can happen without technology but it does make it feel so smooth when you use computers.
"When you start to use technology for important learning goals, you will enliven your teaching, motivate your students, and teach them more effectively for the world they already live in."  Use technology in your teaching for specific goals to make the students learning more effectively. The problems arise when students are using computers for drill or just to use the software and not for more advanced educational goals. 

I saw this first hand when my students were in the computer room once a week with me they would do revision of their writing pieces- responses to literature- personal narratives or essays or point of view writing.  But when this same group of students were taken to the "Plato" computer lab to do drills with another teacher they rebelled and to their relief weren't allowed in again.  They kept saying, "I don't want to do this.  I want to write my own stories."

"In order to design, the group members need to know how to find information, read it, share it, and distill it. There are plenty of opportunities here for teachers to teach search strategies, reading strategies, note making strategies, and analysis strategies that span across the language arts, math, music, and other domains of knowledge. " In order to design a project or do the new type of research project,  the students stil> 

Transfer interrupted!

y did formerly to improve their reading, composing and thinking and math and science learning.
There are all the former demands and skills that we require from students.   Standards are just as high.   What is different is that computer skills are also required.  The learning is demonstrated by a final project which can be a web site.
"In a world where students can access information through a variety of electronic sources of varying quality and origin, it is essential that students develop critical standards for information. And in a world where message can be overwhelmed by format and media, it is important for students to develop their own standards for all compositions, including multimedia ones, from the inside view of designer. " Students need to evaluate or assess the material or project as to whether its design conveys well the message intended.  -How well does the project conveys its message with the present design?  Also the students can help decide what are the criteria for making an assessment. I like this suggestion.  By coming up with their own criteria- possibly in groups-  they can start becoming critical thinkers.
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