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Letter  by a TRASHE member:

Dear citizens in the year 2155:

 The teaching profession has diminished in numbers for many economic and social reasons. Materialism has overtaken young minds to the extent that younger people no longer want to work in this profession. The pay was so minimal that teachers couldn't afford to buy a house in the neighborhoods where they worked. To solve the teacher shortage problem some schools with a dire need, such as those in inner cities, resorted to distance learning, but real teachers still had to read the students'work. So the teaching machine was developed to grade students' papers, as well as instruct them. 

 I hope the teaching machines serve you well and enjoy your company as much as I did. I will miss seeing students improve their skills and their excitement over reading books. I will miss reading their stories and personal essays. I know the students will miss that interaction, that sharing of their stories and ideas.  I ill miss the excitement of their web page projects.

 Good luck to all you students.

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A letter from a student in 2055:

 For those of you who never experienced school here is a typical high school day:

 We have several different subject areas and for each we move following a program to a different class, so we get to see different rooms and different people. The teachers have a variety of styles and personalities, so each class can seem quite different. We sometimes read in class, write, or have discusions. We can even use the computer to compose or do drafts, use the Internet for projects and design web pages. Sometimes we work together on projects. Sometimes the most fun is seeing your friends during lunch, even though the food is boring.

I won't miss school though we did have some good times. Imagine after today you can play all day on the computer and never have to go to school.

From a student of the graduating class of 2055.