Teachers Network




The Process
The Assignment
Planning Form
Practice Topics












Levels of Performance






1. Organization and Clarity:


Most viewpoints and responses  are not clearly outlined  or  orderly.

Some viewpoints and responses  are  clearly outlined  and orderly.

Most viewpoints and responses are clearly outlined and orderly. Grabs attention.

All viewpoints and responses are clearly outlined and orderly. Electrifies and convinces audience.

2. Use of Arguments:


Few or irrelevant reasons are given to support the viewpoint.

Some relevant reasons are given to support  the viewpoint.

 Most reasons given to support  the viewpoint are relevant.

All reasons given to support  the viewpoint are relevant.

3. Use of Examples and Facts:


Lack of relevant examples and facts  to support reasons for viewpoint.

Few relevant examples/facts are given to support reasons for viewpoint.

Most  examples/facts given to support reasons for viewpoint are relevant.

All supporting examples and facts given to support reasons for viewpoint are relevant.

4. Use of Rebuttal:


No effective counter-arguments are made to respond to arguments by other teams.

Few effective counter-arguments are made to respond to arguments by other teams.

Some effective counter-arguments are made to respond to arguments made by other teams.

Effective counter-arguments are made to respond to arguments made by other teams.

5. Presentation Style:


Tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are not used to convince the audience.

Tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are sometimes used to convince the audience.

Most tones of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm is convincing to the audience.

Tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm is used effectively to convince the audience.

6. Teamwork

Arguments were overlapping, repetitive, or contradictory.

Many members did not participate.

Each member presented a different argument, with minimal overlap and repetition.


 Each member presented different but complementary arguments.



Each member presented an argument that built on the arguments of those that came earlier.



During the debate remember the following things:

bullet No put downs
bullet Teams lose 1 point for each interruption or whispering
bullet Table tent and signpost for your team
bullet Rephrase and validate opposing ideas! Think, plan, defend your argument!
bullet Actively Listen!
bullet Focus on team agreement

You will be given a grade for your active participation in the debate. We will use the rubric to grade your performance. Remember to stick to what the team thinks is important.


                                    Time Table

Opening statements = 3 - 5 minutes
Arguments = 3 minutes
Rebuttal conference = 1 minute
Rebuttals = 2 minutes
Closing statements = 3 minutes




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