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The Process

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The Debating Process

1. A student team of scorers will be selected.

2. A scoring rubric will be reviewed with the entire class.

3. Students must sign up for one (of two to four) Debate positions (teams) and team roles will be assigned.

4. A general statement will be presented to the teams after reading an article, selection, or text.

5. “Pro” and “Con” decisions will be made and teams will have several minutes to prepare an "opening statement".

6. Questions to be used in cross-examination must also be prepared.

7. Each team has several minutes to present its opening statement.

8. Opening statements may be presented to the class from the team’s station.

9. Delivery of position (and cross-examination responses) in the debate can be made from a variety of classroom locations.

10. Cross-examination is another formal aspect of debate and will start after each team has made its opening statement and position statement

11. Closing statements (powerful presentations of the issues) are prepared after opening statements and cross examinations have taken place.

12. The debate is scored by a special group of students using the rubric.   

13. Everyone must pay close attention to all the issues raised in a debate.



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