Teachers Network

Day 5: Final Project

Although not all students will be able to play the characters of Atticus, Jem and Scout, it is important for all students to take the lessons learned here into consideration. Furthermore, when creating the play, students must work together to show how the major characters have matured and changed.



  1. Hand out Evaluating Experience worksheets. (*Note: At this point, teacher should have split up class into groups of 3 or 4 and assigned students roles of different characters. You may choose the ones listed in the assignment sheet or any others you wish to use.)
  2. Students should fill out sheets using the experience of the Tom Robinson trial, from the point of view of their character.
  3. Students should then get into their groups and teacher will hand out assignment worksheet. Students will then work on writing their plays that will be performed in front of the class. Teacher should remind students that they must play these characters as they would truly foresee them to be 10 years after the trial of Tom Robinson (for example, if they play Scout as someone who has become racist, they are not doing it correctly).
  4. Students perform play after 2-3 days of working on scripts.


