Teachers Network

To Kill a Mockingbird Group Project


Group Members: 1._____________________



Task: To fully understand the effects of the trial of Tom Robinson on the various characters, you will create and act out a short scene. The following is the procedure:

1. Each student will be assigned a character.

2. Each student will fill out an “Evaluating Experience” worksheet.

3. Students will be grouped together with other characters to create a scene that will include:

a. What each character learned from the trial.

b. How it has caused them to think differently about life.

c. How their goals may have changed because of the trial.

You will have 1½-2 periods to work on the scene. Remember, you are using your critical thinking skills to expand a scene. This means that, although the conversation between the characters has not taken place in the book, you are speculating as to what they could have been talking about.

Your grade on the project will be broken up by the following criteria:

Written Scene: 40%

Acting: 40%

Classwork: 20%






Mayella Ewell


Mr. Gilmer

Miss Maudie

Helen Robinson