Teachers Network
Final Project


The final project for this unit is a performance of some major scenes in the play. Students are assigned roles and scenes and spend about a week of in-class time preparing for the performance. They are expected to block the scene, prepare costumes and props and memorize their lines for it. Although not every student has the role of Othello, Desdemona, Emilia or Iago, because students are working together they all work off of the knowledge gained throughout the unit. This understanding enhances their performances. Students are graded on their blocking, memorization, ability to stay in character, acting performance, props and costumes. Each student is graded individually. The following are suggested scenes:

Act 1

Page 11, Lines 74-206

Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio


Act 2

Page 83, Lines 29-171

Cassio, Iago, Montano, Roderigo


Act 2

Page 99, Lines 278-382

Iago, Cassio


Act 3

Page 143, Lines 411-546

Iago, Othello


Act 3

Page 153, Lines 1-151

Desdemona, Othello, Emilia/Clown (one person plays both roles)


Act 4

Page 173, Lines 34-163

Iago, Othello, Cassio


Act 4

Page 185, Lines 223-321

Othello, Iago, Lodovico, Desdemona


Act 4

Page 207, Lines 202-277

Iago, Roderigo


Act 4

Page 211, Lines 11-117

Emilia, Desdemona


Act 5

Page 259, Lines 332-435

Othello, Iago, Lodovico, Cassio, Gratiano