Student Short Stories inspired by Kindred, by Octavia Butler
All three students received a 90% but for different reasons using the rubric as a guide.

Micky - His story was accomplished or exemplary in every category. I especially liked his characters, their dialogue, the use of historical details and the ending with a humourous twist. His plot was a little too similar to Kindred for me.

Laticha-Her story was either accomplished or exemplary in every category. I especially liked the irony in the plot. She went back to visit her ancestors and was overwhelmed by how difficult life was and regretted her desire to visit them. However, she lacked historical details and the setting wasn't strong. But I liked the character who was narrating.

Tyrese- His story was accomplised or exemplary in every category. His plot posed some problems but at times was quite absorbing. Unfortunately the ending seems somewhat unconnected to the rest of the story. But his setting and characters were well done. One theme seems to be to show the ridiculousness of racism and he suceeded somewhat in this. He used dialogue effectively.