The Energy Transfer Multimedia Presentation

Using a Thermometer Animating the Experiment
Mixing Hot and Cold Water Temperature Changes in a Line Graph
The Energy Transfer Experiment Screen Capture 1
Diagramming the Experiment Screen Capture 2

Topic: Energy Transfer Between Hot and Cold Water

Learning Objectives:
The students will observe the transfer of energy from a film can filled with hot water to a
film can filled with cold water; they will record the results.

Previous Lessons:
The students have already experimented with mixing various amounts of hot and cold water.
They have recorded the results of the temperature changes and discussed these results.

Materials: thermometers, film containers, water, science notebooks, pencils

Show the class the tools to be used in the experiment. Elicit hypotheses from the students: What
will be the evidence of energy transfer (temperature changes: energy transferred from the film
can filled with hot water to the film can filled with cold water.

-The students will write a hypothesis to the learning objective (sample hypothesis: "I think that both film cans will get cooler.");
-The studtents will pour hot water into a film can and cold water into a larger container;
-The students will place the hot water film can within the cold water container;
-The students will measure the temperature in each container every one minute (for 10 minutes) and record the
changes in their science notebooks;
-Discuss the pattern seen among the class' results (regarding the temperature of the mixtures, its
average temperature, its middle temperature),
-Discuss the variables which affect the temperature of the mixture (the hot water might have
cooled a little by the time it was handed out to their table, the energy may not be blending in
evenly, some of the thermometers might be broken).

Data from the film can filled with warm water
Data from the film can filled with cold water

The students will learn about insulation: preventing energy transfer.

Science Standards:
- The student produces evidence that demonstrates understanding of Properties of objects and
materials, such as similarities and differences in the size, weight, and color of objects and the ability
of materials to react with other substances;
- The student produces evidence that demonstrates understanding of big ideas and unifying
concepts, such as order and organization; models, form and function; change and constancy; and
cause and effect;
- The student uses concepts from Science Standards 1 to 4 to explain a variety of observations
and phenomena.
- The student identifies problems; proposes and implements solutions; and evaluates the
accuracy, design, and outcomes of investigations.
- The student works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.
- The student uses technology and tools (such as rulers, computers, balances, thermometers,
watches, magnifiers, and microscopes) to gather data and extend the senses.
- The student collects and analyzes data using concepts and techniques in Mathematics
Standard 4, such as average, data displays, graphing, variability, and sampling.
- The student represents data and results in multiple ways, such as numbers, tables, and
graphs; drawings, diagrams, and artwork; and technical and creative writing.