Vocabulary Word Definitions


accoutrements -  clothing accessories.

cloak   -             A long, loose, unfitted, protective outer garment that fell from the neck and the shoulders and was usually secured at the center front neck. Sometimes hooded.

breeches -          Trousers worn by all levels of society, breeches were made in a great variety of silks, cottons, linens, wools, knits, and leathers.     

banyan  -           A gentleman's banyan was a loose, informal robe to be worn instead of a coat.

cravat  -            The cravat was one of many forms of neckwear. It was a narrow length of white linen that could be adorned on its ends with lace, fringe, or knots. It was

                                        worn  wrapped about the throat and loosely tied in front

spatter-dashes  - Leggings fully covered the lower leg from a few inches above the knee extending to cover the top of the foot. Spatterdashes covered the leg from the mid-shin to the

                                         top of the foot.

stays -                 Stays were the essential foundation garment of the 18th century.  Stays covered the body with their conical form, lifting and supporting the bosom.  Frequently  

                                          constructed in layers of linen with narrow strips of boning inserted within, stays could vary from perfectly rigid to very pliable.      

petticoat   -          Skirts worn underneath the gown.

muffs   -              Tube-like accessories used for keeping the hands warm.