Give Me Some Sugar, Honey!


2 hour periods



  w  The student uses technology resources to find information.

  w The student understands that the bee is a producer of honey and 
      other products that are consumed by people.

  w The student understands the economics of the production of honey. 



    Children's Book Patricia Polacco's The Bee Tree

    Various honey flavors, banana, Popsicle sticks, toppings   



economy, production, extract, liquid honey, comb honey, edible, crystallize, spun honey, beeswax, pollen, royal jelly

Online Glossaries: Sue Bee Glossary and  Honey Facts



    1.  Review story The Bee Tree and how honey is made.  

         Refer to students previous work.


    2.  Discuss ways in which people use honey and how it helps our 

         FYI: while foraging for nectar and pollen, bees inadvertently transfer pollen from the male to  the female components of flowers. Each year, bees pollinate 95 crops worth an estimated $10 billion in the U.S. alone. Insect pollinators contribute to one-third of the world's diet. 


    3.  Student will research the history of honey and its uses  then and 

         Kids Honey


    4.  Students will create a table to show their findings:

          List year, country, people, how it was used, how it is used today.  


    5.  The student will research other products we get from the honey 
          bee. List the products and their uses after visiting the following sites:

          HoneyCyber Bee; Nature- Bees ; Big Chalk- Bees Wax   


    6.  Student will make Banana Pops in activity center.  See Busy Bee 



  w Student will make a History Table.  to show the history of honey and 
      its uses. 

  w Student will make a table to show other products people get from 
      bees and their uses.

  w Student will show completed recipe through a photo.


Home Learning: 

  a.  Students will pick a recipe to do, copy it, and try it at home under 
       the supervision of parent or guardian. Honey Recipes or Sue Bee   Recipes 

Warning: Print warning note to send home on honey and infants.


  b.  Search through groceries at home and write down the product 
       names that contain honey as an ingredient.



  a.  Bring in different kinds of honey.  Have a honey tasting contest and 
       have students graph the results.


  b.  Research to find where is honey is and from what flowers.

       Make a table to show findings.  Sue Bee Products   


