Instructions for Section Two:
Look at some of the poster examples (in Section two) that the Guerrilla Girls use in
their campaigns. Decide for yourself how you feel about the Guerrilla Girls. Do you
agree with what they are doing, or disagree? Do you think their ideas would be a
good change in your art room, or not? Do not click on any links outside of this
Web site (stay on one page) ---- if you need to get back to this page, click
the back button.
Section Two: Posters that the Guerrilla Girls use
Poster #1

Poster #2

Poster #3

Poster #4

Poster #5

Poster #6
Poster #7

Poster #8

Poster #9

Poster #10

Poster #11

Poster #12
Instruction for Section Three:
Once you have thought about it, and decide how you feel, choose either "Positive Guerrilla
Girls" or "Negative Guerrilla Girls"

Choose "Positive GG" of you like what they do, or choose "Negative GG" if you disagree
with what they do.

Positive GG
Negative GG