Instructional Objectives

 Science and literacy

  1. Students will gather and organize information on oak trees, and the oak community.
  2. Students will conduct research in the library, Internet, field study and using tree identification keys.
  3. Students will be able to write a well-organized written report representing data collected in their research and field studies and drawing conclusions based on their collected information.
  4. Students will compile their written information, charts, graphs and maps into a PowerPoint presentation.


  1. Students will demonstrate basic skills in word-processing.
  2. Students will be able to access the Internet/World Wide Web, and then navigate between sites to collect information.
  3. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate electronically retrieved information.
  4. Students will be able to use PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Paint and Excel.

Instructional Design (Teaching and Learning Activities)

 Scientific Investigation Activity

            Students investigate oak habitat, oak growth, oak pests and oak environmental issues through research and field work.

 Teacher’s Role

·        Introduce oak species, oak communities and oak pests (two class periods)

·        Distribute oak notes (one class period)

·        Display oak tree and oak pest identification keys (one class period)

·        Discuss oak species, oak communities and oak pests using samples, videos and virtual tour (one class period)

·        Display past projects as examples (add into introduction day)

·        Review Internet etiquette, Internet research and basic word-processing skills (one class period)

·        Facilitate field work and data collection (one class period a month)

·        Facilitate rough draft of project (two to three class periods)

·        Facilitate PowerPoint lesson (one to two class periods)

·        Post Rubrics

·        Monitor activities

Student’s Role

·        Access oak notes, Internet, and identification keys for research (one class period for introductions)

·        Conduct oak survey of Los Olivos School oaks (once a month)

·        Collect data in a table and convert information to a graph using Excel (one class period to collect and one class period to record on computer)

·        Create a map of the school and the oak trees to be studied (one class period to map out school and two class periods to convert map to Paint)

·        Create a rough draft of the introduction and conclusion of the project (one to two class periods)

·        Complete final draft of PowerPoint presentation (two to three class periods)

 Advance Preparation

 The teacher must be able to:

  1. use the Internet as a source of information
  2. use PowerPoint, ClarisWorks, Excel and Kid Pix
  3. use CD’s to access specific information
  4. use video camera and upload to a computer
  5. save electronic images onto a floppy disk from various sources including the web and insert them into a slide show
  6. use basic word processing skills

 The student must be able to:

  1. use the Internet
  2. use PowerPoint software
  3. use Microsoft Word
  4. use Excel
  5. use Paint
  6. possess basic word processing skills


 This oak project is a year long project that involves many activities.  Here are four activities pulled from the main unit.
