
Pre-assessment Activity

Discussion of oak habitat, oak pests, oak communities, oak environmental issues and computer skills. Teacher will ask questions to identify students prior knowledge on oaks and computers.

Monitoring Student Progress

Class discussions that analyze information will be ongoing. Students will complete a daily work log each day of field study and computer work days to demonstrate progress on projects. Students will print out any computer work to evaluate computer progress.

Final Assessment (How will you know that they learned it?)

Computer Literacy Exercises – Each individual student will complete various exercises to determine understanding of the basic tools of Excel, ClarisWorks and PowerPoint and Internet use.

Web-Site Lessons – Each individual student will complete the various web lessons on oaks and oak communities to facilitate familiarity with the Internet and gain more knowledge on oaks.

Individual PowerPoint Presentation – Each individual student will complete and burn a PowerPoint presentation with an introduction, map, table, graph and conclusion page. This project will be graded using the oak project rubric and then added to a science portfolio for parent evaluation.

Assessment Tools

    Oak Project RubricOak Tree Quiz, Science Rubric

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