The TeachNet Project sponsored with major funding by the AT&T Learning Network

seeks to improve student achievement by providing training, grants, networking and resource sharing to teachers at four of the Teachers Network affiliates nationwide.

Masterpieces Past and Present

Masterpieces Past and Present

How it works:

This project integrates Art History and Studio Art and is designed for middle school students. The lessons include art history, and they teach the elements of art and fundamentals of design by using examples of historical masterpieces.  For example, for Pre-history the project teaches about texture and line. The students create a paper surface to look like rock (rough texture through art techniques) and then design symbolic ancient rock art on that surface using a variety of lines.  The children learn about line and texture from a wonderful internet web site.  They also do research to find ancient symbols they want to use for their studio project. 

The goal of this project is to help inspire classroom teachers and art teachers to use technology as well as teach to the California Art Standards. Due to the increased pressure for students to test well in the core subjects, art classes have fallen by the wayside.  Art is so important for the human spirit, and it's a great way for children to learn to believe in themselves and commit to decisions. The art room is like a sanctuary where time seems to disappear, and the students leave more relaxed and wishing they had more time to make their artwork. Almost all young children love to draw, but as they get older they often stop.  They get frustrated because they don't know how to make their drawings look good or realistic. 




Examples: I was creative and had unique solutions to the problems. I experimented. I remembered and used concepts and techniques from past experiences and assignments. I took risks. etc.


Example: 4 Superior degree of originality throughout; very unique solution; theme has been elaborated upon to a high degree; ability to take initiative in assignment that augments what is learned. Self-initiated. Complex solution. Assignment exhibits great skill/master in manipulation of media and technique used to express creative idea. Assignment clearly exhibits superior understanding and application of elements, principles and expressive elements required to solve problem.


Example:  Accomplished (Third) Level Of Performance For Objective:

1. Presentation is focused with an obvious theme.

2. Each slide or view is composed to show clearly what is intended.

3. The set of slides or views are organized, sequenced smoothly and supports the main theme with clear examples and evidence.

4. Design elements aid the understanding of the historical and art concepts.

5. Underlying research is accurate and thorough and cited accurately.

6. There are few, if any, grammatical, spelling or mechanical errors.



Example: 4 - Thorough Understanding

*        Consistently and actively works toward group goals.

*        Is sensitive to the feelings and learning needs of all group members.

*        Willingly accepts and fulfills individual role within the group.

*        Consistently and actively contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills.

*        Values the knowledge, opinion and skills of all group members and encourages their contribution.

.        Helps group identify necessary changes and encourages group action for change.



A pdf  file of the California Art Standards is included in this unit.  Every lesson has many standards addressed, and writing all of them here is not necessary.  There are just a few examples written below.  A perusal of the art standards is highly recommended.

Art History Lessons:

Standard 3 in 5th through 8th grades is, "Historical and Cultural Context".  Here are some examples:

5th grade 3.2 "Identify and describe various fine arts from historical periods worldwide"  3.4 ".observe changes in materials and styles over a period of time"

6th grade

3.1  "Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world."

Standards addressed in this unit:

5th grade:

Principles of design 4.1

Critiques 4.4 "Assess their own works of art, using specific criteria, and describe what changes they would make for improvement.

Linear perspective 5.1

Symbols for ideas 5.2

6th grade:

Elements of art 1.1

Balance 1.4

Tints and Shades 2.3

Use technology to create original works of art 2.6

Art history 3.1

7th grade

Elements of art and principles of design 1.1

Scale 1.2

Perspective 1.3

Elements of art and principles of design 1.4

Mixing paints and color relationships 2.4

Computer Graphics 2.6

Elements of art and principles of design 2.7

8th Grade

"Analyze art elements and principles of design"

Report on artist 5.1


Software or Materials Used:


Internet connection, Scanner, Computer lab ,CD ROM drive


Power Point, Illustration software examples: Kid Pix, Photoshop Illustrator

With Open Eyes:

Images from The Art Institute of Chicago

See artworks from The Art Institute of Chicago in a whole new dimension! In this imaginative CD-ROM from Voyager, children and adults alike can explore over 200 spectacular, full-screen, color reproductions of objects from the Art Institute's collection. Ranging from an Egyptian mummy case to a Japanese kimono and an Impressionist landscape, the works can be accessed by geography or time period, with the option of seeing them close-up or scaled to actual size. Viewers can also become engaged with the objects through the ingenious games that accompany and change with each new image. In addition to playful, three-dimensional graphics, With Open Eyes features audio clips, including music, sound effects, poetry, and narrated information, that enhance the presentation.

"A highly entertaining children's computer program."

--Chicago Tribune

Macintosh/Windows Hybrid $39.95 ISBN 1-55940-446-9

History through Art CD ROM Series including 4 CD's published by CLEARVUE/eau, Inc

        Ancient Greece

        The Middle Ages

        The Renaissance

        The Twentieth Century



Elements of Art:

Color, Form, Line, Shape, Space, Texture, Value

Principles of Design:

Balance, Scale or Proportion, Contrast, Variety, Rhythm, Unity, Pattern, Emphasis

Historical periods:


Ancient Civilizations

The Middle Ages

The Renaissance

Baroque and Rococo







Gesture Drawing

Contour Drawing


The Students: 

This unit is appropriate for students from 5th grade to high school. I created this unit while teaching an art elective class for a mixed group of 5th through 8th graders. The students need no previous knowledge of the elements of art or the principles of design, and they will learn them in the unit. It is a good unit to teach with limited English speaking children, because it is basically a hands-on history lesson.

Overall Value:

This unit was so enjoyable for the students that I had to stand in the hallway and wait for them to arrive to make sure they didnŐt run to class! They were all very engaged and interested. The hands-on learning helped the children remember the principles they learned. Using computers, especially the Internet was the most important key to making this unit so successful. It gave the students inspiration, individualized instruction and knowledge. I recommend that the teacher be prepared to explain the period of history correlated with the lesson. 


Subject Area: Art and Art History

 Starting Grade Level: 5th

 Ending Grade Level: High School


Tips for the Teacher:

  This unit requires that the teacher do some research prior to the lesson. Familiarity with the historical era of the lesson is crucial for its success.  Using the Internet for the research, helps makes this task less difficult.  While the students are in the studio working on the projects, I recommend playing music from the time period or a book on tape from the time period for them to listen to.  This keeps them quiet and focused too. Playing a background video works well too.

Stacey Hansen

Stacey Hansen has been teaching for eighteen years.  She has many interests besides teaching, and art is one of those.  She has studied art for years, and enjoys making landscape paintings with oils.  She was fortunate in that during her first year of teaching, which was a kindergarten class in Ojai, Mona Brookes chose to use her school to help with the research for her future books on teaching art to children.  Mona subsequently published a few books on teaching art to children.  The book that applies to this middle school unit is called, Drawing for Older Children and Teens.