Touring The World With Tomie dePaola

Aim: Battles of Barletta, Italy

Vocabulary: legend, mysterious, expert

Activity #1:  ***Please complete this before reading The Mysterious Giant of Barletta.  Think about other stories you have read about giants such as, Jack and The Beanstalk. Print out the Describing Wheel  and create a web of character traits you believe a giant has.  Then go to All About Giants  and read more about this mythical character.  Add on any additional details you find on the web site.  Print out and complete Don't Judge A Giant By Its Size.

Activity #2:  Go to Roman Times, a wonderful web site to learn about Ancient Rome.  Links to explore include:  Important People, Important Events, Child's Life, Arts and Crafts.  Print out and take the Roman Quiz.


 Activity #3:  You will be working with other classmates to produce a report Italy.  Your teacher will assign you a role as one of the following: Geographer, Chef, Musician, Scientist, and Artist.  Click on the link of your title to find out information about your topic. Your group will also be asked to present a 6-10 minute oral report.  You can read a sample research report at Writer's Showcase Research Report.

Extension #1:  Write your own original story titled The Mysterious Giant of Brooklyn.  Print out a copy of  Mysterious Giant of Brooklyn to provide you with ideas.

Extension#2:  You will write a diary entry of a day in the life of an ancient Roman.  Go to Ancient Rome Daily Life for ideas and inspiration.

Extension #3:  To celebrate your knowledge of Italy go to Children's Conversational Italian and learn a few Italian phrases.

Homework:  Visit Photo Gallery of Barletta. Create a Postcard From Italy with a large blank index card. On the front draw a part of Italy or Italian culture you have learned about, and on the back  write to a friend what you have learned and "seen" in Italy.  Print out a word puzzle created for  The Mysterious Giant of Barletta .