There's A Poodle In My Noodle

by Hassan, Waleed, and Phillip

modeled on There's A WOCKET In My POCKET by Dr. Seuss

Did you ever have the feeling

there's a POODLE in your NOODLE?

...Or a HOPPER in your WHOPPER?

...Or a WINKIE in your TWINKIE?

And that ROCKO on my TACO

I have noticed he is stinkie.

Sometimes I sit and stare

at the GLERGER on my BURGER.

That's the kind of school cafeteria I eat in.

There's a FLY on my FRY.

And a GOOSE in the JUICE.

They are each a special guy.

Some of them are smelly

like the ZELLY in the JELLY

But that NUTTER in the BUTTER

Some are smelly, some are NOT.

I like the PLUDDING under my PUDDING.

And the REDHEAD on my BREAD

But that ZAPPLE with my APPLE

I wish he'd leave instead.

All those THWICKLES on my PICKLES.

They're a barrel of silly things.

But that BICKEN with my CHICKEN...

Wears too many rings.

There are so many foods that I have tasted...

...Like the SUNNY

and the BUNNY

and the GLUNNY

and the MONEY

and the TRUNIE

and the FUNNY

in my HONEY.

and the FETCHUP in my KETCHUP

and the BUNYON on my ONION.

And the JADOS on my TOMATOES.

I don't care if you say I'm lying.

That's the kind of place I lunch in.

And you'll find me still crying.

The Brat In The Cravat

by Farah, Rachel, and Jeffrey

modeled on The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss

The snow fell and fell.

It was too frigid to play.

So we sat in the school

All that cold, cold, white day.

Too slippery for play out in the yard

Too dangerous for even the crossing guard.

So it was an indoor lunch

We all had to sit.

And we did not like it

Not one little bit.

Then something went SPLAT!

It went down KERPLAT!

We looked and we saw it

The brat in the Cravat!

"There's no need to pout.

There's no need to shout."

Said the Brat in the Cravat

As he danced all about.

"I know lots of games for me and for you

There are lots of fun things we can do."

Your teachers won't mind.

I'll show them to you.

The school aide cried,

"Make The Brat go away.

Do not listen to him.

Do not go and play.

"Now, now!" said the Brat

As he poured milk on the floor.

We can skate on the milk.

We can have fun. I am sure.

Skate as I do.

There is more fun in store.

The Brat skated to the science lab,

Let loose the hamster and the crab.

Spilled out the water in the fish tank.

Swollowed three fish.

To his tummy they sank.

Then the Brat fell down on the floor


"Have no fear!" said the Brat.

There are more fun things to do.

Into the music room he flew.

Danced on the piano.

Broke the trombone.

Tooted the horn,

Screeched the saxaphone.

Up to the principal's office he raced.

All the report cards in the trash can he placed.

Announced to the teachers

"It's time to go home.

Go home! Go home!

There' no school today.

No teachers allowed.

You can all go away!"

Join me for a new game that rocks.

And he pulled out a creature from inside his socks.

It was fuzzy and furry and colored all blue.

The Brat said, Let me introduce the Kerchoo.

With a bound and a bounced up the wall he flew.

Leaving hundreds of footprints, all green and all blue.

Knocked down all the pictures hung on the wall.

Rode a unicyle down the second floor hall.

Juggling the principal just like a big ball.

Oh no! Oh no! This will never do.

The Local Instruction Superintendent is due.

So the boys and the girls thought of something to do.

To get rid of the Brat and the Kerchoo guy, too.

They took out their erasers and began to erase

The footprints on the walls

Messes on every place.

Rubbed out the Kerchoo

And the Brat in the Cravat.

Then back in their seats

All the good children sat.

And pretended they'd never seen

The Brat in the Cravat!!

Home Page Lesson 1: Who Was Dr. Seuss? Lesson 2: What writing styles are used Dr. Seuss' Books? Lesson 3: What illustrations styles are used in Dr. Seuss' Books? Lesson 4:  How can we write a story using the writing and illustration styles of Dr. Seuss? Student Writing Standards Addressed Credits

Developed by Carolyn Hornik, 2003  © TeachNet