PowerPoint Presentations

What is Powerpoint?

PowerPoint is an application that will help you assemble professional looking slides to be used in oral presentations. Each slide can contain text, pictures, sounds, colorful backgrounds and transitions.  It also has special features to help you produce quality web pages for the Internet.  You can also include hyperlinks in your PowerPoint presentations that take you to other documents or web resources.


Students will create a slideshow presentation entitled "ALL ABOUT ME" consisting of at least 4 slides.

Students will be able to:   

Create/modify a multimedia project, citing sources of copyrighted material.                           

Time Required:

4 days


Multimedia, storyboard, presentation, document, slide, layout, template, format menu, alignment, edit, crop, transition, animation, hyperlink

All About Me Storyboard (completed by students prior to this lesson)
PowerPoint software
PowerPoint Step by Step Microsoft Word help document

All About Me Sample PowerPoint Presentation


Review the elements and terminology of multimedia presentation using PowerPoint as a tool.
Require the students to complete the All About Me Storyboard, filling in the information about themselves.

Discuss the need for planning in preparation for creating the slide presentation.

Students will use their completed storyboards in creating this slideshow.

Have students activate the PowerPoint program. Students will create four slides for this presentation entitled "ALL ABOUT ME".

They will use primarily the options under the INSERT and FORMAT menus as well as the toolbar.

Each slide will contain text boxes and students will learn how to format the text including font selection, font size, alignment, text color, etc.

Refer to the Microsoft Word document: "PowerPoint Step by Step" for specific instructions on using PowerPoint.

Group students in groups of three and have them present their slideshow to each other.

Evaluation: All About Me PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

Extension Activities: Students will add more details to their slides.  They must have a Title Slide, Information on place of birth, Information on their Education, Family information including portrait, Likes and Dislikes and the last slide is their choice (something they would like to share with the rest of the class, something that makes them unique).

Home Learning:

Create a presentation of The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.  Seven slides with information on each.  This assignment will take about a week to complete.