A Webpage with Frontpage

What is a webpage?

A webpage or web page is a "page" of the World Wide Web, usually in HTML format (the file extensions are typically htm or html) and with hypertext links to enable navigation from one page or section to another. Webpages often use associated graphics files to provide illustration, and these too can be clickable links. A webpage is displayed using a web browser, and can be designed to make use of applets (subprograms than run inside the page) which often provide motion graphics, interaction, and sound.

Objectives: To Design A School Webpage

Students will learn to build a successful, attractive, and informational Web page.

Time Required:

2 weeks


formatting, background, template, homepage, hyperlinks, edit, preview, browser, navigate, table


Microsoft FrontPage


Students will be working in pairs, to search and evaluate other School Web Pages, and come up with a final draft of what they feel should be included in their school webpage. 

Tell the students to keep these key questions in mind as you go through the different web pages:

1.  Students will use links provided to search for different web pages.  

2.  Students will complete the Evaluation Sheet Template for each web page they visit.  Students will make special notes on any site that they want the teacher to see.  Students are to visit at least 5 sites.  If students know of any other sites, they can do an evaluation sheet on it as well.

Ray School Web Pages

University Park Elementary, Maryland

It's a Small World After All
U.S. Elementary Schools on the Web

Tesseract Schools

Highland Park Elementary School

Arbor Heights Elementary

Jacksonville Elementary School

All Miami- Dade County Elementary Schools

3.  Student will create their own school web page.  Students will go to Tutorial on Creating Web Pages with FrontPage Editor which will take the students step by step on how to create the web page step by step.


Your web site will be evaluated according to the  Web Site Rubric. Your percentage can be determined by adding your scores for each level.

Extension Activities:

Students will evaluate each others web sites using the Evaluation Sheet Template they used to evaluate other schools.

Home Learning:

Students will find clipart and animations to use in their web pages and save them to a disk.  This is very time consuming and should be done ahead of time.