School Web Design Critique:  School's Home Page

Name of site:  _______________________________

URL of site:     _______________________________

(Please remember we are just evaluating the homepage)


           Speed of Loading:            Good             Poor

               If you checked Poor, circle the reason:

                            Graphics         Page too long          Music                Other _________


                   ____Loads completely in view      ______Must scroll  the page to read

       What appeals to you as soon as you opened the file?

       ______Graphics   _____Color   _____Navigation Buttons        ______Sound
       ______Ease of navigation         _____Links Appropriate          ______Split Screen

      If there is sound, graphics, video,  or animation:

        _______Is it significant to the site ________just there for entertainment

                 Sound:                         Relevant                       Not necessary

                 Graphics:                     Relevant                       Too Many

                  Video:                          Relevant                       Not necessary

       Does this site appeal to:

            _____Students  _____Parents _____Teachers _____Community

Topic or Content: 

     Is the information labeled and organized for easy navigation?

     Is the spelling correct?

     Is there a way of contacting the school? 

     Is there a date of the last update?

     Is there an overview of the school's makeup? 


     Is the mission statement of the school clearly stated?

    Does the school show a home/school/community connection?