Lesson 3

Unpacking the Grocery Bag


Duration:      Two class periods



The students will list the types of foods they associate with different parts of the world.

The students discuss the similarities and differences between foods form different parts of the world.

The students will categorize foods in various ways: by the four basic food groups, by perishable/non-perishable and domestic/international.



Worksheet The World in a Supermarket Bag

Computer with internet access

Paper and pencils

Large world map



domestic          international         perishable        non-perishable      packaged



Divide students in groups and assign each group a soup recipe from the book Everybody Serves Soup by Norah Dooley. 

Students will write down all the ingredients necessary to make the recipe.

Students will imagine they are unpacking the grocery bags that contain all the ingredients needed to cook their particular soup.

Using the internet the each group will conduct research in order to complete the worksheet assignment.

Students will record their research findings on the World in a Supermarket Bag worksheet.  Students will list how the food items they acquired are packaged, what country does that food come from and if the item is perishable or not.



Teacher observation and completed worksheet.


Home Learning:

Students make a list of items found in their home's refrigerator and pantry and complete the Food Search in my Refrigerator Worksheet.



Next time your family goes to the grocery store go with them.  Draw a simple map of your grocery's regions.  You can name each region according to the items they sale.  For example: the dairy section, the frozen food section, the meat/fish section etc.

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