Lesson 2


Lists, Lists & More Shopping Lists


Duration:        Two Class Periods



Students will be able to make a shopping list.

Students will learn about recipe planning.

Students will develop shopping skills and personal resource management.



Pre-Made index cards containing words that describe foods and spices.

Pre-Made copy of each soup recipe provided in the book Everybody Serves Soup by Norah Dooley.

Computer with word processing

Shopping List Worksheet

My Shopping Reflections Survey



proteins            dairy                grains                vegetables                fruits      


Strategies for Participation:

Randomly had out a soup recipe listed on the book to each student group. 

Each group also selects an envelop containing index cards with ingredients written on them.

As students start to prepare their grocery list of the ingredients necessary to cook their assigned soup, they will realize that their index cards do not contain all of the ingredients necessary to complete the recipe. 

Have students talk about possible problems of going grocery shopping without a list when they know they have several items they need to purchase.



Working is groups students will complete a Grocery List to facilitate their purchasing of the ingredients necessary to cook soup.

Discuss why it is important to know what groceries one has on hand vs. which ones are needed and how to determine this.

Discuss a tool (grocery list) that helps people keep track of what they need (and helps them stay focused while in the store)

Have students practice making a grocery list of the needed items using the word processor.



Students will be assessed by means of performance, each group needs to prepare their own shopping list. 

Teacher observation of students frustration/confusion vs. satisfaction/enjoyment

Students will complete a My Shopping Reflections self-assessment survey.


Home Learning:

Students will create a grocery list with their parent of items needed to be purchased during the family's next grocery visit.

Students will check out a library book and read at home independently from a bibliography titled Food & Supermarket Books provided by the Media Specialist.



Visit http://landmark-project.com/ggl// and participate in a Global Grocery List Project.



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