Lesson 1


Culinary Diversity


Duration:                Two class periods



Students will compare foods eaten in there community by different people.

Students will identify families in their local community that has come from another place.

Students will compare their families with families in other locations and of other cultures.



Book Everybody Serves Soup by Norah Dooley ISBN 1575054221

Where Did The Soup Come From? Worksheet

Computer with internet access.



culture                    diversity                ethnic            originate            tradition



Warm-Up - place students in groups of 4  students.  Ask them to discuss among themselves and create a list of 3 foods they like to eat at home.

Discuss and share with the students their group's food selections. Identify the country of origin of the foods listed and discuss what the word "ethnic" means.

As a class read and discuss Everybody Serves Soup by Norah Dooley.

Students explore the history of the ingredients found in the soups of the different ethnic groups mentioned in the book; and the significance of these foods with culture.

Students will locate on a world map the country of origin of the soups mentioned in the book. (Puerto Rico, Greece, United States, Italy, Israel and Barbados). Then, they will complete "Where Did The Soup Come From?" worksheet.


Based on teacher observation and responses to the Where Did The Soup Come From? Worksheet.

Home Learning:

Assign students to find out where their family members originated from and in what year.  Students will share this information with the class.


Have students work in cooperative groups to create a mural that depicts children from around the world, symbols of holidays, traditions, customs, and clothing.

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