Folktale Book


Here are the instructions for making the book


1.  Get a 12" x 17" color construction paper and fold it in half.

2.  Write the title of the Folktale and retold by: your name.  Illustrate it.

2.  You will retell the story using the most important events from beginning to end.

3.  Type each major event on 8½ x 14 paper.

4.  Illustrate each page.

5.  Make a Title page.

6.  Make a final page with a picture and name of the country the folktale is from and what did the story teach you.

7.  When you have completed all pages place them in chronological order beginning with the title page and ending with the country page.

8. Place them inside the construction paper title page and staple on three places to hold story inside.

