Questions on Folktales

1.    Setting:  Where does the story take place?  What is this place like?

    a.  weather

    b.  vegetation and wildlife

    c.  location ( specific place)

    d.  Time period   ( long ago, today, fantasy )


2.  Characters:

    a.  Who are the characters?

    b.  Do the characters get along?

    c.  Who are friends?  Who are enemies?

    d.  What good qualities do each character have?  What bad qualities do they have?


3.  Problem & Solution:

    a.  Who has a problem in the story?

    b.  What is the problem?

    c.  How did the characters  in the story work out their problem?

    d.  Who helped them work out their problem?

    e.  How can you use this story to help you work out a problem?

    f.  In what ways are you like the character?  How are you different?


4.   Moral of the Story:

    a.  Did the characters in the story learn something? What was it?

    b.  Is this an important lesson we can learn?

    c.  How can I apply this lesson to myself?


5.  Cultural Awareness:

    a.  What country is this story from?

    b.  What language was the story written in?

    c.  What purpose do you think the author had in writing this story?

    d.  What experience could have led the author to write this story?