Marvelous Mathematics

How It Works:  These interactive lessons are designed to allow the students to expand their math skills by way of technology and hands-on activities. In the lesson named Colorful Fractions, the students not only learn how to make a table on the computer, but create fractions and equivalent fractions through the use of color. They are able to manipulate fractions in order to gain a greater understanding of the meaning of whole number that is broken into parts.

By learning math on the computer, the students have a greater sense of ownership and understanding, as is evident in Mr. Gallon, a lesson which demonstrates how to remember cups, pints, and quarts in a gallon. By assembling Mr. Gallon on the computer the students not only have fun, but also design a picture that assists them in learning about measurement. Student also explore many online resources to collect data and solve real world problems using higher level thinking skills.


  • To write number sentences and word problems using combinations of operations
  • To use written mathematical language to communicate discoveries about calculations
  • To solve real-world problems involving length, weight, perimeter, and area
  • To select and use appropriate instruments and technology, including a scale model and gauges to measure in real-world situations
  • To describe a wide variety of patterns
  • To use measures to solve problems
  • To compare, contrast and convert measurements
  • To relate fractions to percents
  • To solve realistic problems involving combinations of operations using fractions and percents
  • To read and follow a list of directions

Estimated Class Periods To Complete: 6

Software Materials Used:  Internet, desktop publishing software, printer, color ink

Keywords:  math, measurement, bingo, fractions, math stories, maps, percent, whole numbers, operations

Students:  There are 37 students in my 5th grade class and they are of various exceptionalities. Several of the lessons were performed in small groups which assisted those who needed extra help. Any group of students would be suitable for these lessons, perhaps a gifted class could work independently.

Overall:  The bingo game was not only fun, but also helped the students learn math words and definitions in a manner which stimulated enthusiasm.

The lesson entitled Design a Building could be adapted to a gifted class with the students eventually building a scale model of their building. The lesson teaches measurement in a real world situation.

Tips:  Pre-teach the Mr. Gallon lesson so the students have an idea how to draw him. Brainstorm for ideas before writing Math Stories.  Start with a simple map drawn on the board before the students create it on the computer.

About the Teacher: Ann Stephenson has been teaching fourth and fifth grades for twelve years.  She has been awarded numerous grants, including IMPACT II Disseminator and Adapter grants. She has been the school site  coordinator of the Citibank FamilyTech program for six years and is interested in expanding academics through the use of technology.

Subjects:  Math

Grade Levels:  4 through 6


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