Marvelous Mathematics

The purpose of this unit is to teach students to critically think as well as to enhance their creative abilities. The lesson plans are designed to be ongoing projects during the course of the school year.

The Bingo Game lesson was designed for the purpose of learning math vocabulary words and definitions.  Colorful Fractions teachers students about tables, cells and fractions. The Math Story lesson show children that math isn't just for the classroom, but rather is used  in a variety of ways in everyday life and building structures on the computer helps to clarify measurement. In the Map Maker lesson, students learn how to read maps and use real instruments to measure distances. In the Design a Building lesson, students solve real-world problems in length, weight, area, and perimeter. Mr. Gallon helps students with a visual representation of measurement.

Math Bingo Math Story
Colorful Fractions Map Maker, Map Maker
Design a Building Mr. Gallon

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