Lesson 6

1. You have just inherited $300.00
2. Using the website below, search at the Mall and estimate how many items you would 
    like to buy. 
3. Then, look for items that have prices.
4. Spend as much of your money as possible.
5. Write the items, price and include its picture in your document. Use the Worksheet to 
    figure out how much you have spent. You may use word problems or create addition 
6. Answer these questions: How much money did you spend? How much money was left, 
    if any? How close were you to your estimate?

Volcano Mall

Extension Activity: Using a currency converter, find the equivalent of $300 in the following countries: Spain, England, China, Australia, and Turkey. Which country has the largest amount?

Home Learning Activity: Select two books from and write a summary of each.

