Lesson 4

1. Using the website below, record the number of volcanic eruptions that occurred in the 
    years 2000, 2001, and 2002.
2. Using a spreadsheet program in Microsoft Excel, Word, or AppleWorks, import 
    the data and create a bar graph with title, names of volcanoes and year erupted.
3. Determine which year had the most eruptions.


Extension Activity: Read Unit 4, And the Earth Explodes, from the Zaner-Blosser, 2001 book,
9 Good Habits for All Good Readers. Select one sub-heading and write a summary.

Home Learning Activity: Using the data from the years 2000 - 2002, make a prediction of how many volcano eruptions will occur in the year 2003. Explain your answer based on the observable data.


Continue to the next lesson
