Constructing the Great Wall


Geography of China

Constructing the Great Wall

Chinese Folktales
Made in China
The Giant Pandas
Web Links









splendid China


  1. Explore the history in building of the Great Wall.

  2. Determine the measurement and distance of the Great Wall.

  3. Use a ruler for standard measurement.

Key Words:

  • measurement

  • ruler

  • line segment

  • dynasty

  • li


2-3  hours


On-line resources, worksheets, ruler, cardboard, brown butcher paper, black markers.


  1. Tell students that one of the greatest construction projects ever undertaken in the world was the building of the Great Wall over 600 years ago.  Its vastness distinguishes it as one of the wonders of the world.
  2. Distribute to the students a copy of the KWL worksheet.  Have the students brainstorm as they complete the worksheet. 
  3. Discuss with the students what they already know and would like to learned about the Great Wall.
  4. Inform the students that each of them will assist in building a Great Wall of China. 
  5. Cover a bulletin board or classroom wall with brown butcher paper and title it "The Great Wall of China".
  6. Explain that each student will create a stone piece containing an important fact about the Great Wall.
  7. Have the students complete the Great Wall worksheet to learn about the wall.  Use the links listed below.
  8. Before students construct their stone.  Review the use of the ruler and determining measurement.  Explain to the students that Chinese engineers had to make accurate measurements to build the wall.
  9. Have the students practice using a ruler by completing a measuring worksheet.
  10. Review with the students their completed worksheet.
  11. Give each student a piece of brown butcher paper or cardboard.  Have them measure and draw a rectangle 14 3/4 inches long and 22 1/2 inches wide.  Have student cut out rectangle and using a marker write their Great Wall fact.  Glue all completed stones to the Great Wall display.  Cut additional blank stones for students to write their name and include in the display.  Make sure wall is completely filled in with stones.


Individual Stone of Great Wall

Extension Activities:

Have the students create a scale model or diorama of the Great Wall.

Have the students research other wonders of the world.

Web Links:

Travel China- The Great Wall learn all there is to know about the Great Wall of China

Secrets of the Great Wall How wall the Great Wall constructed? Learn here

All About the Great Wall everything you ever wanted to know about the great wall

Walk the Great Wall take a virtual field trip to the Great Wall