Rubric on Board Game

Excellent All students cooperated and helped each other. The board has the title of the game. Students used graphics for pictures and labeled pictures with price.  Evidence of using the computer for creating board.  Has at least 6 different kinds of questions on the board game cards. 
Good Most students cooperated. The board has the title of the game. Students used graphics for pictures and labeled pictures with price.  Evidence of using the computer for creating board.  Has at least 5 different kinds of questions on the board game cards. 
Average Some cooperated. The board has the title of the game. Students used graphics for pictures and labeled pictures with price.  Has at least 4 different kinds of questions on the board game cards. I
Poor Few students cooperated.  The board has the title of the game. Students used pictures.  Has at least 2 different kinds of questions on the board game cards.