A Web Quest for Grades 3 - 5
A Multidisciplinary Unit

 Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Lesson Plan | Resources |
Software/Audiovisual Materials
| Standards

This web quest supports the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)
developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

Andale amigos, grab your sarapes  (ponchos), your sombreros (hats) and jump on your burritos to start your journey on this very important Maya-mian Quest. The Miami based architectural firm, Ruins-To-Go has designed a project to build a mall bigger than Dolphin Mall. The mall will replace the Becan ruins.  The Mexican Government has requested assistance from the United States in submitting proposals for saving the ruins. 

You, the future leaders of tomorrow, have an opportunity of a lifetime. American Airlines will fly you there for free.  You can be the determining force whether the ruins remain as a part of history or are destroyed for the sake of the future. If interested, you must hurry as travel must begin by the end of the day. Don't forget to pack your bags, digital video and still cameras, your laptops and enough clothing for three weeks. 

The Task

As you travel through the sites Mexican Ruins, , and Meet Mexico

you will gather information on Mexico, the Mayan people and their ruins: their relevance, importance, and their religious and historical value to the Mexican culture. Select two of the ruins for your presentation. After collecting the necessary data for your proposal, you will then determine if the ruins should go or be saved.

Using the software program

You will:

  • Create an Idea Map including information about each ruin:

    • Year built

    • Historical Impact

    • Religious Impact

    • Cultural Impact

  • Measure the distance from one ruin to another using the website: The Maya Ruins

  • Create an Idea Map about the Dolphin Mall

  • Compare the size of the Dolphin Mall (scroll down to "Mall view" )
    and the Becan ruins

  • Estimate which one is bigger with supporting data

  • Compare and contrast the ruins and the mall

    • How will the mall benefit the Mexican people?

    • How do the ruins benefit the Mexican people; the rest of the world?

  • Write a persuasive message based on your decision

  • Create a budget: Find out how much money you saved on airfare Estimate the cost of the trip (three weeks).

      Mexicana Airlines
    American Airlines

  • Create a multimedia presentation

Your proposal may be presented using the following: PowerPoint, HyperStudio, WebPages design, Claris Home Page , Front Page, Netscape Composer, Inspiration, iMovie etc.

The Process

  1. First, you will be assigned to a team of 5 students...You are to choose a leader from your group and decide what role each member will play, i.e., photographer, Internet researcher, graphic designer, producer, etc. From Welcome to the Essay Writing Website! Select organizing or Brainstorm to learn about these strategies.

  2. Next, begin by visiting the websites in the Resources Section to gain information about each ruin.

  3. Print out the necessary maps that you will use for measuring and comparing.

  4. The graphic designer should be looking at different sites in search of clip art, historical pictures, animations, etc., to use in your proposal.

Use a word processing document to copy and paste information from the Internet to use in your presentation.
Use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures (Inspiration )
Making iMovies is Easy - iMovie Tutorial


Mexican Ruins, Maps animations, iMovie
Inspiration ,, , Becan ruins , Dolphin Mall ,Mexicana Airlines American Airlines

You will access the on-line resources identified here as you go through the Process. Everyone will navigate through each site in order to develop background information.

Software/Audio Visual Materials Needed

Students need to have access to the Internet. They need a word processing program such as Microsoft Works, Word, ClarisWorks, or AppleWorks to copy and paste information, then add graphics, maps, and graphs to their document. Inspiration may be used to develop ideas and organize thinking. They need a printer and a scanner or digital camera for embedding information brought from other sources. A digital video camera is a must for iMovies. A presentation program such as iMovie, PowerPoint, Inspiration, HyperStudio, or the like is needed to produce the final presentation. And finally, a projector to show the presentation to peers, staff, and parents.

Based on a template from The Web Quest Page