How you gonna get there? (aaah...immigrants)
 From Russia to Philadelphia then New York 
Author / Artist
Jennifer Abramson
Story of my Dad
I am interviewing my father, Vladimir Abramson. He has been in New York City for 5 years and lived in Pennsylvania for 7 and a half years. He came to New York because he read about the walking and the entertainment. I think that my father also decided to come to New York because he was bored in Pennsylvania. 

Vladimir (my father) has been in America for 12 years ago and he comes from Russia. His wife, Julia Abramson (my mother), also came to New York because she too was bored in Pennsylvania; so she came to New York but before my dad. She is a pharmacist here in New York and she says that it ís a lot better to work here than in Pennsylvania. I (to be honest) don't really like New York because my family lives in Pennsylvania; I like my grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousins and other friends. I'm starting to like New York since I'm starting to have friends and it ís really fun now.

My father has been to a lot of cities but he loves New York out of all of the cities he has been to. My mother says that New York has the best museums and restaurants. She also likes the yoga centers, although she hasn't been to any, but she has heard of fabulous yoga centers. My father on the other hand, likes the bars and walking and the Village. He also says that New York has really good libraries and theaters but that is his opinion (obviously). His favorite thing about New York are tje movies or movies that take place in New York are the best; for example the movie "The Professional" has really good shots of New York. That's also why my dad likes New York. 

My dad brought back this doll that someone (friends or maybe family member) made for him and it has a mustache, brown hair, and a big belly. My dad keeps it stashed up in a closet but it reminds him of his friends in Russia. I have learned that my father will never move to any other place in the United States. The only place my parents wouldn't mind moving to is Ibiza, Spain. My father has also enjoyed sightseeing in New York because he heard a lot about sight seeing in New York before we moved here. 


Map Dolls Food Story