How you gonna get there? (aaah...immigrants)
The Journey
<--Why did I make that my symbol?
Author / Artist
Akshay Ganesh

I interviewed my grandfather, Chittur Chandra. He is 73 years old. He says that the first person of our family to come to America is my uncle, Ravi. He is obviously also from India, as he is my mother's brother. He was a student before he came here, and was looking for a job. He landed here in 1982 by himself. The reasons he came to live here were for a higher education and, as mentioned before, better job opportunities. He actually didn't live in the city when he came here. He lived in Ossining, NY which is upstate. The reason he lived there is because IBM offered him a job in Yorktown Heights, an area close to Ossining. Life here was very different for him. He had to get used to new food, new weather (it's never cold where we come from) and new people of other cultures. We think living in NYC is good because we are exposed to all kinds of different people and cultures. I think I would like to remain here in the city because I have been here for most of my life and I have really gotten used to it. I can imagine leaving NYC, but I really don't want to.

I asked my grandfather these questions that I made up.

If you had to leave India again like you did many years ago, would you?
No, because the problems of leaving outweigh the advantages of staying.

Some questions I asked him that weren't on the list

Do you want to leave America?
Yes. I would like to go back to India because my brothers, sisters, and many other relatives are all there

How do you think the government can make life easier for immigrants?
It can make more people aware of the contributions of immigrants to society.

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