The Other Ending in Meguro

Meguro Squeechi searched wide and far across the horizon of Edo, yet she could not find a truly beautiful cherry tree. Finally, she came to the Chiyogaike Pond, in Meguro, where she found the most marvelous cherry trees. Blossoms were everywhere, and the cherries were ripe. Eating cherries in the shade of a tree, she noticed that there were dark clouds circling over her, like a hurricane was coming. Sure enough, within minutes, rain came pouring down, in large pelts. Lightning cracked through the bitter sky.

Squeechi searched for help, or shelter, but no one was there; everyone was safe in their homes. She hid under a tree, not knowing that it was a dangerous and foolish thing to do. Lightning struck the tree under which Squeechi Miranda sought shelter, and pierced through her heart, instantly killing her. Squeechi Miranda was always to be remembered by Keiko Shioshi. He buried her body in Meguro, by the cherry trees that she loved.

By Aiyana Knauer
The Suijin Shrine
Chiyogaike: The Other Ending