The Suijin Shrine
Suijin After being found by Keiko Shioshi, Squeechi Miranda was shown around the city of Edo by Keiko. The two traveled to Suijin Shrine and Massaki on the Sumida River, also known as Sumidagawa Suijin no mori Massaki. Squeechi Miranda was tired, but upon seeing the many beautiful cherry trees, she immediately awakened. "Oh, wow," she thought. "These cherry trees are so beautiful in the moonlight. Would not it be fun to study them?"

Squeechi and Keiko stayed awhile at the Suijin Shrine. Squeechi asked Keiko, "Would you accompany me on a journey? I wish to examine cherry trees in Japan, in many different places." Now, Keiko Shioshi may have been willing to show her around Edo, but this really didn't require much work. He was an old man, and his bones and limbs were tired. "Squeechi," he said to her, "I have had the honor and privilege of showing you around Mukojima, but if you plan to make a journey out of this, I am afraid I cannot come with you, for it would stress my body in ways that I, at such an age, cannot deal with. But I can tell you where to go in Edo to find beautiful cherry trees." They explored the Mukojima a little more, and then went to his home for rest.

By Aiyana Knauer
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