squeechi miranda and the caterpillar
How Squeechi Miranda Travels Back In Time

One fine autumn day, Squeechi Miranda was walking through a tulgey, enchanted wood with her sidekick, Planty, by her side. At length, they got lost, and, try as they might, could not find their way out. Both grew, tired, and sought help. Planty noticed some pigeons resting nearby. So Planty and Squeechi Miranda bravely walked up to the pigeons. Squeechi Miranda said to them, "Excuse moi, but as you can see, I've lost my way in this wood, and cannot find a way out. Perhaps you could lend a helping hand?" The pigeons discussed the matter carefully, but were hesitant in replying. But, after a few minutes, they finally spoke to Planty and Squeechi. "My friends, we can help you get out of this horrible wood, but only with directions. Even with our directions, you cannot get out, but you can meet someone who will help you out. Go 10 meters left, and you will find a fork. Take the left road, and walk about 15 meters, where you will find a clearing. In that clearing will be a large strawberry, and there will be something sitting on top of it. This thing will help you get out." Squeechi Miranda and Planty thanked the pigeons, and set out on their way.

They came to the clearing, quite exhausted, might I add, and saw the strawberry. About 3 meters high, it was by far the largest strawberry that both Planty and Squeechi Miranda had ever seen. Perched atop the great strawberry was a caterpillar, a bleu one. Squeechi Miranda walked up to the caterpillar, and asked, "Mr. Caterpillar?" The caterpillar turned his head. "I was told by the pigeons that you could help me find my way out of this wood. Can you really?" The caterpillar replied without hesitation, saying, "Yes. I can help you out. You must take a bite out of this strawberry, and you will be out of this wood. But there is no guarantee on where you will end up. I can only guarantee you this: You will go either back or forward in time. " He reached down and broke off a piece of the strawberry. "Now remember what I said," he continued. "I do not know where you will go, but you will definitely have traveled through time. I can ensure that." He gave the piece to Squeechi Miranda.

Squeechi grasped Planty's hand, and took a bite. Oh no! She let go of his hand! It was too late. Squeechi Miranda was falling back, back, and her adrenaline was rising. She was flying through a black hole. . . back in time.
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Squeechi Miranda's Short Story
Edo, Japan