
Tara The Magic Wand


Author / Artist

Sierra Troy-Regier


I enjoyed making this book, NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. My name is Sierra. I love dogs. I live in Manhattan with my mom, dad, brother, dog and frog. This is my first digital book.

I would like to be a actress when I grow up. I like to play sports and hang out with my friends [don't u think this is cheesy but I have to do it anyway] Macs are sooooooooooooooo much better then PC's don't you think so? I have my own Mac computer and it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister is my best friend her name is Kayleigh she is a dog and feels a little different from everyone else. One of my brother's name is Matthew the other is Max [some people call him froggy and he lives in a tank.] I like miming people and listening to music. I am 11 years old. Both of my parents have chosen careers in teaching and my brother wants to be a Neuro Scientist. I am in 6th grade at ICE [Institute for Collaborate Education] I love to read and write. Thanks for listening.

Yours truly,