Teachers Network









Students will be evaluated according to the following rubric:


  1 2 3 4
Explores career options Explores some career options. Develops a limited knowledge about the world of work. Explores career options. Develops some knowledge about the world of work. Explores career options, and relates personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions. Successfully develops knowledge about the world of work. Explores career options, and relates personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions.
Uses information technology Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested Internet links and/or to navigate within these sites. Sometimes able to use suggested Internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.
Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.
Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.
Composes correspondence Composes correspondence such as resume, cover letter, and thank-you letter. Sometimes uses style appropriate for the purpose of each. Few thoughts are clear and purposeful. Uses few appropriate vocabulary.
Fails to use conventional style, and
uses page formats, fonts, and spacing that contribute to the
document's readability and impact.
Composes correspondence such as resume, cover letter, and thank-you letter in the format and style appropriate for the purpose of each. Some thoughts are clear and purposeful. Uses appropriate vocabulary some of the time. Follows conventional style, and
uses page formats, fonts, and spacing that contribute to the
document's readability and impact, some of the time.
Successfully composes correspondence such as resume, cover letter, and thank-you letter in the format and style appropriate for the purpose of each. Thoughts are clear and purposeful.
Uses appropriate vocabulary most of the time. Follows conventional style, and uses page formats, fonts, and spacing that contribute to the
document's readability and impact, most of the time.
Successfully composes correspondence such as resume, cover letter, and thank-you letter in the format and style appropriate for the purpose of each. Thoughts are clear and purposeful.
Uses appropriate vocabulary.
Follows conventional style, and uses page formats, fonts, and spacing that contribute to the document's readability and impact.
Learns from models Examines models but fails to use what he or she learns from the models, to assist in conducting project activities. Learns from models by examining and using what he or she learns from the models, to assist in conducting project activities some of the time. Learns from models by examining and using what he or she learns from the models, to assist in conducting project activities most of the time. Learns from models by examining and using what he or she learns from the models, to assist in conducting project activities.
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the rules of the English language in written work Uses simple sentences and has difficulty using the period and the comma correctly. Frequently misspells words. Forgets titles, headings, spacing and margins.

Seldom uses compound or complex sentences, has punctuation errors. Shifts tenses. uses proper
sentence structure and
paragraphing some of the time. Misspells some words. Appropriately uses titles, headings, spacing, and margins.
Uses some complex sentences with proper usage and sentence structure.
Produces work that shows accurate spelling and correct use of the conventions of punctuation and
capitalization. Appropriately uses titles, spacing and margins.

Creatively uses complex sentences with proper usage and sentence structure. All words are spelled correctly. Correctly uses the conventions of punctuation and
capitalization. Appropriately uses titles, headings, spacing
and margins.

Effectively uses a word processing application Makes limited use of  paragraphs. Uses a spell check and thesaurus appropriately.  Edits work to a limited degree.
Enters text in paragraph form. Uses a spell check and thesaurus appropriately.  Edits and revises work. Enters text in paragraph form. Uses a spell check and thesaurus appropriately. Moves blocks of text so that the report is in the best sequential order. Edits and revises work into a standard setting document. Enters text in paragraph form. Edits text. Uses a spell check and thesaurus appropriately. Moves blocks of text so that the report is in the best sequential order. Edits and revises work into a standard setting document.
Presents oneself positively in an oral  interview Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces many words. Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by interviewer. Does not establish eye contact. Fidgets, slouches, and fails to face the interviewer. Speaks clearly and distinctly 85%-95%  of the time. Mispronounces no more than two to three words Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by interviewer. Keeps eye contact some of the time. Demonstrates confidence and  positive body language by sitting up straight, smiling, and facing the interviewer through some of the interview. Speaks clearly and distinctly 95%-100% of the time, but mispronounces one or two words. Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by interviewer. Keeps eye contact most of the time. Demonstrates confidence and  positive body language by sitting up straight, smiling, and facing the interviewer through most of the interview. Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, and mispronounces no words. Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by interviewer. Establishes eye contact throughout the interview. Demonstrates confidence and  positive body language by sitting up straight, smiling, and facing the interviewer throughout the interview.