Teachers Network






Before proceeding with research it is essential that students have a basic grounding in the vocabulary necessary to understanding the project. This list and these definitions are a starting point. The definitions can be either given out as a handout or be used as an online or offline dictionary exercise in finding the meaning of words.


Additional words of course should be added that are germane to the particular countryÕs culture, climate and current events.

1. country

2. culture

3. nation

4. architecture

5. agriculture

6.  climate

8.  geography

9.  customs

10. island

11. politics

12. government

13. religion

14. current events

15. animism Ð used with respect to Indonesia project provided as an example.

16. archipelagoÐ used with respect to Indonesia project provided as an example.


Some definitions that were obtained by usingwww.refdesk.com:


1. Culture - the sum total of the human experience, a people's whole way of life.

the sum of the language, customs, beliefs, and art considered characteristic of a particular group of people ÐWordsmyth English dictionary

2. Nation -  a politically organized body of people under a single government

3. architecture Ð the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect

4.country - noun:   the territory occupied by a nation

5. archipelago -    a group of many islands in a large body of water

6. island - a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent

7. animism -  1.  the doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls 2.attribution of conscious life to objects in and phenomena of nature or to inanimate objects

8. climate - the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time

9. geography -  study of the earth's surface

10. agriculture -   the class of people engaged in growing food

 noun:  the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock

11. custom -  accepted or habitual practice

12. Politics -  noun:  the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs

 noun:   the study of government of states and other political units

 noun:   the opinion you hold with respect to political questions

 noun:  social relations involving authority or power

13. government -   the act of governing; exercising authority

14. rainforest - noun:   a forest with heavy annual rainfall




Country: Culture, Climate and Current Events


Review the vocabulary before beginning your Country Quest



What is culture?
What is a country?

What is a nation?

What is an island?

What is geography?

What is climate?

What is religion?

What is history?

What are politics?

What is government?

What are current events?