Links - June 2001 Student Web Sites
Project- Create a web site that might have appeared if the Internet was invented between 1933 to 1945.  The purpose of the web site is to alert the world or specific audiences such as German citizens, the British, etc. to  the inhumane Nazi policies and acts.  (Students have about 5 class periods of 40 minutes to do this at school.)

Exemplary sites include most of the requirements on the checklist. (This checklist is for Spring 2001. The most recent checklist was revised in Spring 2002.)
Jose and Chris E.
Desiree Martinez, Amarylus Ruiz
Samantha Robertson and Karen Rodriguez
Lorena Delgadillo
Susan V.

Satisfactory sites include many of the requirements on the checklist. (This checklist is for Spring 2001. The most recent checklist was revised in Spring 2002.)
Jahaira M.
Christian G., Edwin D.,  Eric M.
Osborn H, Maggie S., Steven J.
Laticha H. and Jenny M.

Sites that need improvement are missing essential requirements on the checklist. (This checklist is for Spring 2001. The most recent checklist was revised in Spring 2002.)
William W.
Sandoni Bennett
Carlos M, Anan N.
Rosalee R., Janet C., Micky L.
Guiseppe C, and William W.
Jaime B. and Megan S
Hemchand B.