Hitler's horrifying  acts among the Jews.
Hitler is sending his army to Jews houses and deporting them to death camps. They took all types of Jews babies, old people young people male and female.

 So far no nation had tried to help the Jews. While Hitler continues to take the Jews from their homes and take them to death camps. These Jews have done nothing wrong they are so innocent.

 They worked them for long hours with no pay.  For  meal they get a little piece of bread and a little bowl  of soup. Finally the Russian decided to go help the Jews. When the Germans found out that the Russian was coming after them, they made the Jews ran for miles, from one camp to another. And if they stop to rest they get shot .These cruel acts by Hitler must be stopped soon before he wipe out the whole Jewish race.

HOW DO THE GERMAN CITIZENS FEELABOUT THIS?some of the citizens in Germany think its none of there business. And the ones who do think its there business they are too afraid to do some think about it. Than you got some who risked their life to save two or three Jews. And some who saved hundreds of  Hitler's cruel  indifference acts was a disgrace to the human race, and us human must make sure that such cruel, indifference,  horrifying  acts don't  take place among us again.

How could someone be so cruel, how could someone kill babies how could someone kill a holder or a crippled person.