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Test-Acts 1 and 2 Part 1-Answer one essay question.  You must use quotations from Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Acts 1 and 2. (52 points)

1. Macbeth's conflict within himself and with his wife in Acts 1 and 2 concerns whether or not he should kill Duncan.  What is the conflict in detail and explain why he kills Duncan?

4.  How and why are Banquo and Macbeth different?

5. How and why does the natural world parallel the political events in Macbeth ?

6. How and why does Lady Macbeth push Macbeth to murder Duncan?

7. Why does Macbeth commit evil acts when he knows they are wrong?

8. What powers do the wierd sisters possess?  Do they purposely set evil events in motion, or are they simply predicting what will happen?

9.  What makes Macbeth seem like a good man, not an evil murderer?

10. Does Macbeth regret what he has done?

13.  How does Shakespeare show that things and people are not always the way they appear?

14. Is Macbeth an assassin or a tragic hero?

15. Can you explain Shakespeare's imagery?

16. How does superstition affect human behavior in Macbeth?

17. How are Lady Macbeth and Macbeth different?