Teachers Network

Day 4: Jem


Aim: What is Jem like and how do his changes reflect his respect for his father?


Objective: Students will understand that Jem matures greatly through the novel based on his emulation of his father.



  1. Ask students: In chapter 6, why do Jem and Scout want to peek in Boo Radley's window? How does Jem get Scout to go along with them? After the incident with Jem's pants, why is it so important that Jem keep the truth from Atticus?
  2. After this discussion, ask students to describe Jem's relationship with Atticus.
  3. Split students into groups and have them view these quotes. They should then interpret the quotes in connection to the relationship between Atticus and Jem:
  4. Quote 1 Quote 2 Quote 3 Quote 4
  5. Students should recall chapters 19-27. During and after the trial, there are some major changes in Jem. Ask students to find examples that prove this.


