Teachers Network

Day 1: Characterization

Aim: What is Characterization?


Objective: Students will understand what characterization is and how it will assist them in reading the novel.



    1. Ask students if they know what characterization is. Write definition on the board.
    2. Students should then split up into groups of two. Students should ask each other to come up with three adjectives that describe their personality, and examples to back them up. They can fill this into the character map (best ones to choose from are character map #2 and character map on pg 14 of this pdf file), They should complete their character trait charts in pencil, in case they need to change their answers.
    3. Students will then share their findings with the class. At this point, it is important that the students understand what is considered a character trait and what is either a physical description (pretty) or a temporary feeling (scared) as opposed to a true character trait (courageous, understanding, realistic).
    4. Once students feel that they have three significant traits that describe their partner, they can go to the image search on Google.com and search for pictures that relate to their descriptive words.
    5. Students should create a character trait chart of their own that includes pictures and words to describe their partners. These can be placed around the classroom for reminders throughout the unit. Examples


